Please excuse the steam clouding the lens; it's very hot and humid in Bali but breathtakingly beautiful. The first photo is from our window in the first hotel we stayed, the Bali Aston. This end of the island is very quiet and less touristy with lots of Europeans and Asians.
Many of the goods for sale reminded us of Mexico, albeit with a Hindu flavor. In fact, the people reminded us of Mexicans, smiling, hardworking, and practical, very family-oriented and doing their best to make a good living. The tropical climate and scenery enhanced the similarities. Those of you who know how much George loves Mexico understand that's a positive impression despite the bad press Mexico has had lately with the border town violence and swine flu.
It took some time to get used to all the zeros in their currency. I was amazed that our hotel clerk told us he earns 1 million rupiahs a month until I figured out that's less than $100US. It's easy to give some one the wrong amount by a couple of zeros so you have to pay attention.
Beware whenever you are exchanging foreign currency. I met a retired Scottish policewoman who was understandably upset after being shortchanged by a currency exchanger. After watching the man count out their money, the vendor turned it sideways to straighten it. She figures the man tapped it on the edge of the counter, allowing part of it to fall to the floor behind the counter. George always recounted it in front of the moneychanger after he gave it to us; our vendors were honest.
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