WARNING! Those of you who have no interest in bridge should probably just skip this blog entry to avoid being bored silly.
I love her Scottish accent and warm personality.
Playing duplicate bridge here is similar to playing in Fort Collins even though most folks are playing ACOL instead of Standard American. We play in a church just like our Fun Bridge Club but this church is very modern and open, a converted warehouse. Membership costs $50 per year and saves you a dollar or two on the table fees, $3 for regular games and $5 on red point days for members. We have up to 72 people playing and it is a diverse group aged 40 to 97. There are folks from Singapore, India, England, Scotland, Italy, Croatia, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada and another American, my other semi-regular partner, Janice.
formidable opponent and amusing companion. Her daughter,
Maureen (left), brings her and they sometimes play as partners.
Instead of using bidding boxes, they use a pen and paper and everyone writes their bids down in turn. This can be extremely challenging if you can't read your partner's writing. My partner, Betty, ended up putting me in a 6C slam bid because she thought my S was a C! Of course, I couldn't quit laughing the whole time I played it.
The other difference is they use all kinds of complicated movements instead of having North and South stay in place and rotating the EW pairs. I usually just follow my partner who seems to be able to interpret the choreography. Once I played with Cliff, who was as clueless as I. We both had to laugh - it was like the Keystone Cops. Since neither of us was used to their scoring system, we traded the honors, which we later found out was a big no-no.
John is a psychiatrist and Moira was a psychiatric nurse
so George has a lot in common with them too.
The Fremantle Bridge Club group have been warm and welcoming despite my lack of bridge prowess. I have been very generous to our opponents lately. Yesterday, I went down spectacularly by 1400 points. I'm surprised my regular partners haven't fired me. They are both very patient and generous ladies.
I am now card-carrying member of the Australian Bridge Federation. My goal for the rest of my stay is to become a graduate and to obtain the two master points needed for that. I think I can do it if I play with Janice enough. She is a very good player and does extremely well as long as I don't do anything silly. Actually, I don't care about the points but think it sounds like an innocuous New Year's resolution, much easier than losing weight!
I love the hominess of the group. Doreen sells her homemade jam, which is outstanding. Jeanette brings in fresh farm eggs and Maureen has been bringing in juicy apricots. We always have tea breaks with bikkies (cookies to you) but occasionally we also get Margie's special profiteroles and other homemade goodies. There is usually a weekly raffle for chocolates and the money goes toward the club parties and to charity.
many stay for $1 glasses of wine or pop
and some snacks and to socialize.
doesn't let his physical limitations interfere with bridge.
He and David toast to another year of fun.