I don't know if refrigerator envy makes the list of the seven deadly sins. Maybe it's just a dangerous sin in our case, but ever since we moved here, I lusted in my heart whenever we'd be visiting friends with spacious refrigerators.
Ours was a mere postage stamp of a refrigerator, good for George's milk, a bit of meat and cheese, and a few vegetables but not much more. And the freezer was tiny, especially after making room for our second Christmas turkey.
So, we looked into rentals and couldn't find anyone willing to rent for less than a year. Then one day I was talking to Rose while she was cleaning the Gold Suite and commented that their fridge was nice and big. Rose said we could swap and the idea became reality but not without a little drama, or as they say it here, dra-mer.
Rose was amazed all all the stuff we did fit into the mini-fridge. In order to make room for the larger unit, we had to move the portable dishwasher into the space where the small refrigerator used to be. As George and Joan were moving it, he popped something in his arm, causing him great pain. Of course, we wanted him to have it looked at but, being his stubborn self, he refused to go until the next day.
The object of my desire next to George's bane.He spent much of the day in the ED (ER in Yank-talk) only to find - yes, you guessed it if you've been following this blog - the x-ray technicians had gone home for the day and he had to return the next morning for his ultrasound. Luckily, the ultrasound revealed he had torn some muscles and had fluid on his elbow but that he hadn't torn a tendon and doesn't need surgery. The good news is he got a week off and is enjoying his sick time walking, searching for travel deals, watching movies and hanging with me. It's nice but I do feel badly that he was hurt.
Joan insisted on cleaning the refrigerator too!I didn't get a photo of getting the refrigerator up our spiral staircase since I was trying to lend a hand. George could only use one arm so Joan and I helped. It was challenge but with teamwork we all managed. I was afraid Arthur was going to be crushed underneath the beast. The good news is the refrigerator is in place and working like a champ. We have ice and everything!
Needless to say, we're all glad the movers are supposed to schlep all our belongings up the stairs when they finally come.