Now we have Sheila. I used to call her the Rosemobile but have named her Little Sheila because that's Australian for a girl or a baby kangaroo. For some reason, it seems appropriate.
George has been driving her periodically and it's amazing to watch him squeeze himself behind the wheel. The seat doesn't go back as far as our old VW and he's grown a bit chubbier. I've been afraid to drive. It's hard enough to remember to drive on the other side of the road but having to shift with your left hand just seems beyond my coordination limits. So, Sherri and I have started a new method of cooperative driving. I drive and she shifts. It worked pretty well; at least we got to our painting class in one piece!
Speaking of the painting class, it is lots of fun but I doubt I'll be a latent master. We were supposed to paint sunflowers but, not being one to go with tradition, I just splashed some paint on the canvas to make flowers. It's not horrible for a first attempt but my second painting I started really sucks! We have six other folks in the class and they are all really nice. The teacher is the total opposite of my seventh grade art teacher who told me not to bother to take any more art classes since I have no artistic talent whatsoever. She is very encouraging and makes very diplomatic suggestions.
I haven't been blogging since we finally received all our stuff. I am relishing time with my glass even though I feel like I'm almost learning all over again. We adore our comfy American bed and it's nice to be able to ride my bike to bridge.
More later!