We were very intrigued to see how this system works. The incumbent premiere called the election about a year early. He made the announcement on August 6th, giving his opponents four weeks to prepare. The election resulted in a hung Parliament. Here' the story according to ABC:
"Counting is set to resume in the WA election today but it could still be several days before a result is known.The failure of either major party to win enough seats to govern WA means the National Party may hold the balance of power but it could fall to independents. Both Labor and the Liberals are courting the National party as the four seats they hold may be crucial in forming government.
Yesterday the Nationals leader Brendan Grylls met the Labor leader Alan Carpenter, and he will sound out the Liberal's Colin Barnett this morning.
He says whichever party supports his plan to return a quarter of royalties collected to the regions will get his party's backing.
The ABC's political analyst Antony Green says either way, WA will have a hung Parliament.
"The Liberal Party plus the Nationals may not even have enough seats on their own, this is a Parliament that will come down to the independents." he said.
Counting of preferences will not take place until the end of the week.
According to Antony Green's ABC election analysis computer, Labor is likely to hold 27 seats, and the Liberals 22.
The Nationals have won four seats, and independents three.
Three seats are still in doubt - Riverton, Forrestfield and Alfred Cove.
30 seats is required for victory."
Sounds a bit like our national elections. At least they have more than two parties here. We're just glad to have an end to the political commercials! Unfortunately, they also have succumbed to negative ad campaigns instead of sticking to the issues but at least it's only for four weeks.