Monday, November 10, 2008

A Walk in the Park

Forgive me for being so far behind on my blogging duties, but three weeks without the Internet ruined my blogging schedule. The following are from Kings Park in September, the month when wildflowers burst into unbelievable colors. Heather, our tour guide, was knowledgeable and funny. She warned us there would be lots of X-rated sex talk about the flowers.

This is my favorite plant, the Kangaroo Paw.

This arch incorporates many Aboriginal symbols.

The curvy bit of this fern variety fascinates me.

Kings Park covers nearly 400 hectares, that's over 15 million square feet. It reminds me of Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Kings Park was established in 1872 and is visited by more than five million people per year, making it the most popular visitor destination in Australia.

Hard to believe the park is part of a large city!

Kookaburra not only sits in the old gum tree, but the Aborigines
also use its red sap for medicinal purposes.

The photograph of these bright flags doesn't
capture the impact of the sight.

As part of the Wildflower Festival, local schools
painted vibrant posters.

Nearly two-thirds of the park is covered by bushland, with 319 species of native plants and 80 different types of birds.

These non-flying ducks are the original bungy-jumpers, jumping out of their shells from the tree nest and foraging for food on their own.

Look closely to see the owls in this tree!

To see some spectacular shots, go to and enjoy! You don't have to be an avid gardener to enjoy the beauty of this park.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Beach Party Bingo

Actually, this post has nothing to do with bingo but it sounded like a catchier title for some reason. Could it possibly have anything to do with the margaritas I drank last night? By the way, decent margaritas are not easy to find here and worth their weight in gold, figuratively and almost literally. Not only is tequila $50 a liter, but the margarita mix is $12 a liter - it sure makes us miss Costco!

Tom and Lisa hosted an American-style barbeque with stuffed burgers smothered in homemade Texas barbeque sauce. Um-um good! We started the feast with grilled spinach, cheese and almond quesadillas with guacamole. Then, as if that wasn't enough, Vito made bruschetta with Italian bread like that from his hometown, brushed with his family's olive oil and garlic, then topped with a chopped tomato concoction with fresh basil. Ambrosia!

Vito and Diana relax after slaving away on appetizer and dessert.

The feast was accompanied by traditional potato salad, an extravagant fruit plate, and a variation of the mandarin orange salad from Colorado Cache with the addition of fresh strawberries and candied macadamia nuts. (Thanks, Pam and Michelle, for providing the recipe!) It's funny how food can make you feel like you're back home. As usual, dessert was spectacular; Diana made a decadent chocolate mousse cake that was as delicious as it was gorgeous. This has become an unofficial Sweats group. (For the uninitiated, Sweats is what we call our gourmet group in the Fort, short for Sweats Gourmets since we don't dress up.)

George is cleaning up the mess I made when I broke a bottle of Tabasco. Thank goodness I could crop myself out of this shot.
Yea, Photoshop!

I am so sorry that I didn't even take the camera out at this function. I don't know if it's because I was having too much fun or because I had two margs. Luckily, Veronica was on the ball and snapped the photos you see here.

Our superb host Tom, ready at his grilling post.

Dan and Scott, both Colorado boys, look awfully content!

I do wish I had a picture of George with Javier and Kyra's daughter, Gabiola. He took her down to the beach, supposedly for a short walk, and they returned and hour later as buddies. Her little sister, Mea, missed Gabby after a time so Mea and I went to search for them. They were almost to the house, holding hands and talking away in Spanish while pointing to sights along the way. Definitely a Hallmark moment! Followed by another when Gabby and Mea saw one another and ran to hug. Nothing like the simple pleasures of life to make one appreciate being alive.

I hope all of you are cherishing your simple moments!

Our hostess, Lisa, almost danced on the table.