Holiday traditions here include shrimp on the barbie and a day at the beach. I waited until Boxing Day to have my beach outing and made meatloaf and turkey to celebrate instead. Since George had to work Christmas Day, we started our celebration the night before Christmas Eve with a holiday dinner on the patio. Since we still haven't received our shipment, I bought some plastic Santa placemats and some candy canes and ribbon to try to make it more festive. It's amazing what you can get for $10 from Red Dot stores.

In Vito's honor, we served Bill Dorin's famous meatloaf recipe from the cooking school he attended in Italy. We enjoyed conversing with Pauline and Michael, Veronica and Vito, and their children who are visiting from New York and London. It's funny to hear Luca and Ann-Marie speaking with New York accents since Veronica still has her British accent and Vito's accent is decidedly Italian. Ann-Marie is finishing her degree in Translation and Luca works for Unicef.
Christmas Eve was celebrated with more new friends and their families. Somehow Lisa and Tom' s family escaped without having a photo taken. It's been fun to meet the college age kids that we've heard so much about. Grant is in high school here while Trisha is attending Texas A & M. Sherri's family have only been here a month so Alex isn't in school yet and Kris is in school in Georgia.
Paul and Sheri's daughter, Kris, was a real trouper, arriving hours before the party after flight delays due to weather.
Alex, George and Paul "chill" on the warm night.
Sherri and Lisa take time out to look gorgeous for the camera.
Time flies when you're having fun! Paul and Nicole know
how to party hearty and left at about 1:30 a.m.
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