Our neighborhood has very Italian roots and we love it. And, as anyone who knows us knows, we also love food. So how better to marry the two, but with the Annual Lilly Street Lasagna Bake Off?
Jenny and Paul, at #10 Lilly Street, have organized this event for the past eleven years. They invite everyone on Lilly Street and neighboring streets to participate. T-shirts and aprons are produced to commemorate the occasion and people test recipes all year in hopes of winning the big trophy.
As usual, a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends arose. I was on my way over to Lilly Street to take some photos for you folks after delivering my lasagna. En route, I saw a lady struggling to get a folding chair out of her car. I offered some assistance and we chatted on our way to the party site. Christine is recovering from hip surgery and was still game to party. Australians are a hearty lot! Christine invited me to join Priscilla, her friend and Lilly Street resident, and the rest of their group.
While there, I met Sally, with whom I really hit if off. I was telling her about these beads I bought and we decided to go back to the Casa so she could see them. Sally couldn't believe it when she came up to the door; she and her daughter lived here three and a half years ago when they moved to Perth. It is a small world indeed! She is astounded we still have the velvet curtains and chairs.
Jenny, the ring leader of this event, won a door prize and honorable mention for most improved lasagna. We'd be suspicious, but she was harangued for how vile her lasagna was the previous year so we forgave her for being an ungracious host by winning. They threatened to call child protection services last year after tasting her entry. : ) Jenny should be a stand-up comedian; her emceeing was extremely funny. I hope I get to know her better.
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