Saturday, January 17, 2009

How Does He Love Me?

I am so lucky to love my husband after 30+ years of marriage. He may forget the exact date of our wedding or not notice when I get my hair fixed but he does have a way of telling me the feeling is reciprocal.

Most women dream of being showered with luxurious gifts - diamonds or at least fine jewelry. If not, flowers are always a good choice for romance. Any of these choices would be perfectly fine with me. However, how do I know he still cares? Full-priced branded peanut butter at $8.00 a jar! You have to know George to know what a sacrifice it was for him to part with his hard-earned money at that price. I'm sure the grocery cashier had to pry the money from his fingers. : ) Just kidding, George! I will savor every time I spread my toast with love.

Don't forget to enjoy all life's little blessings and to share them, even if it's just peanut butter. However, there was the time he bought me a tongue scraper for Valentine's Day - I promise I won't share that!

1 comment:

Janet Robbins said...

Oh, George--what a sweetheart you are! Just curious--what brand of pbutter? Chunky or smooth? Diane--I had no idea you liked peanut butter!
Janet R.